A better, tougher way to store one shackle of gear. Bright colors for easy identification of your gear.
Classier, flashier fishing swag that makes a bold statement! Bright colors for easy identification of your gear makes handling on the dock less confusing. This bag also features two carry handles on each side and spur grommets across the top hem to close the bag. The heavy-duty, reinforced bottom ensures many seasons of use. These are particularly good for the strings of gear you have the tender deliver to your fish area as they clearly identify the owner. These are quite the upgrade from the regular Net Storage Bag. They last much longer and make your gear stand out in the crowd/pile.
Dimensions: 52" x 72"
Custom colors and stenciling available! Contact Us for a quote!
The Bear, the Dipper, and, shining high,The great North Star with its steady light,O'er land and sea a beacon bright.Alaska's flag to Alaskans dear,The simple flag of the last frontier....
Winter '24 Update: Due to an increased interest in our products and material availability, this item will be made to order by customer request. If you're interested in placing an order,...
The Alaska Pouch II is the new and improved version of the our Alaska Pouch, which was featured in Alaska Magazine. This personal-size bag can be used in a variety...
Sold Out
A handy fast draining, quick drying bag will find many uses on your adventures. We originally built this to hold anchor line in a small boat or skiff to keep it all...
104 E Pioneer Ave.
Homer, AK 99603
Open: Mon-Fri: 9am-6pm
Sat: 10am-5pm
Sun: Closed
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